Saturday, February 20, 2010

Youth Feature of the Week # 3

This is a two-for-one youth feature. Having gotten to know the young people we’re around daily much better, I’m increasingly fascinated by the bonds between students and of course their amazing spirit and inspiring lives they’ve already led at such a young age. This week I chose two girls that are mature, leaders, engaging and bright beyond their age. Their names are Daniela and Eve and are very close friends. Their families are also good friends and know each other from the DRC. Daniela is Jacques daughter (and while she was born in Uganda she still maintains a deep attachment to the Congo) and Jacques knew Eve’s family from their village in the Congo, and encouraged them to come to Uganda. The lives their parents lead and the solidarity between them says a lot about the wonderful young people they have become.
A bit camera shy...

There we go, beautiful! Eve on left Daniela on right.

Name: Daniela Muisha
Age: 9
Nationality: Congolese (born in Uganda to refugee parents)
Grade: P5

“Where is your family from in the Congo, and what can you tell us about your family?”
DM: My family comes from Goma. I visited there once and I loved the lakes, seeing the hotels and how our family cared for us. My mother is a tailor (and we all know the many things her father does). My brother Ivan is in P3 and my sister is a year and three months old old.

“What do you like most about HOPE Primary School?”
DM: I like sports, learning – especially science, the teachers and the food.

“What do you hope to do once you are done with school?”
DM: I want to be a bank manager.

“Tell us what a normal day for you is like when you aren’t in school.”
DM: I read my school books and really like reading story books. I go to Jehovah’s Witness church and then I rest.

“What is the hardest struggle you ever faced and how did you overcome it?”
DM: When my sister was very sick…and also walking to school for an hour every day. I sang to her and always stay smiling and laughing…and try to play with her.

“What is a country you want to visit someday?”
DM: I want to visit California because of all the tourist sights. I want to visit the West and South regions of the USA. (Sidenote: We had our USA day and explained how the country was broken up into four regions and that Canada and countries in South America are not part of the USA – so I’m secretly delighted with this response!)

“What is your favorite food, music singer and football team?”
DM: Rice and chicken, Alinaportantion (a Ugandan band, in English called Goodlyfe) and Real Madrid.

“Who do you think will win the World Cup?”
DM: South Africa

“Anything special you want to say to the readers of our internet site?”
DM: Have a good journey. And come to Uganda!

Name: Eve Magho
Age: 13
Nationality: Congolese
Grade: P5

“Where are you from in the Congo, what do you miss about home and what can you tell us about your family?”
EM: I am from Goma and moved to Uganda in 2007. I miss my friends and family…my Grandmother and also my Grandfather before he died. I have five in my family. Three brothers, Ivan is in P1 and two older brothers that make windows and doors. My sister Dally is in P3. (Sidenote: Jacques informed me that Eve’s father works for an NGO called Medicine Sans Frontiers, aka Doctors Without Borders, as a driver that delivers equipment and medicine deep in conflict areas.)

“Wow, you moved here pretty recently! Did you know English before coming to Uganda? How many languages do you speak?”
EM: No, learned it here. I speak Swahili, Luganda, French and English.

“What do you like most about HOPE Primary School?”
EM: I like the school and the teaching. Also sports. (Sidenote: this girl LOVES to juggle the soccer ball.)

“What do you hope to do once you are done with school?”
EM: I want to be a doctor that delivers babies.

“Tell us what a normal day for you is like when you aren’t in school.”
EM: I do mopping, washing and cooking. For fun? I watch TV and films and play with Daniela and friends.

“What is the hardest struggle you ever faced and how did you overcome it?”
EM: Not having money. My brothers worked so my family could have money.

“What is your favorite food, music singer and football team?”
EM: The food that is given to me, Shakira, I like playing football – no favorite team.

“Who do you think will win the World Cup?”
EM: South Africa?

“Anything special you want to say to the readers of our internet site?”
EM: Greetings and hi to everyone.

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